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Our Day Camp Program is the perfect mix of day camp and training. This allows you to work with your dog daily but still see faster results.

This basic on leash program comes in 3 different levels:

2 Days a week for 3 weeks

3 Days a week for 3 weeks

4 Days a week for 3 weeks

We can upgrade your program from the basic on leash program and introduce new training tools for off leash training if requested. This will make it a 4 week long program once the foundations are learned in the previous weeks. There is an upgrade cost to this. 

You drop off in the morning and return for the pick up with a go home lesson. This program is available Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays. All drop offs and picks ups are scheduled for specific times. 

**Your dog MUST  know how to kennel/crate properly to be eligible for this program. There are times we crate dogs during the day or go on field trips and you dog will need to kennel in the van.

Programs start at $2199. Program eligibility is determined at consultation. Min age requirement- 5 months.


Lifetime Support via E-mail, phone or text


$5 group classes for the life of your dog. Let the community of clients we built help you practice behaviors and build confidence in a controlled environment with controlled dogs. 

  • Discounted rates to seminars, pack walks and more

  • ​All base program equipment is included

  • Nutrition consulting

our recent visitors

"Kate has to be one of the best professional trainers I have had the pleasure to work with. She takes into consideration not only the dogs needs both physically and mentally, but also designs training around what will give you the longest lasting results."

- John C.


Private lessons offer you the ability to learn as you go with your dog. We work with you weekly to help you succeed.


This step by step program works well for dogs with  some previous training and minor issues. Not recommended for dogs with aggression or reactivity.


This program is slower paced for those who want to do more of the training on their own with weekly guidance.


  • Sit

  • Place

  • Down

  • Leash walking

  • Potty training guidance

  • Random barking

  • Interactions with other pets in the home

  • Counter surfing

  • Door boundaries

  • Window barking

  • Jumping on guests



Lifetime Support via E-mail, phone or text


$5 group classes for the life of your dog. Let the community of clients we built help you practice behaviors and build confidence in a controlled environment with controlled dogs. 

  • Discounted rates to seminars, pack walks and more

  • ​All base program equipment is included

  • Nutrition consulting


"Kate is an incredible trainer. She has helped me develop an even better relationship with my two dogs. My two dogs love her to pieces, and do whatever she wants. It's like she's a magician who is willing to share her secrets with clients because my dogs listen to me now, too."

- Jen D.



This program allows us to do the bulk of the initial work, making getting consistency and repetition easy. This also allows your dog to spend a great deal of time within a stable pack learning proper dog etiquette.


We only take a few dogs at a time and they live with the trainer in her home at night. 

Upon returning your dog. We give you a transfer lesson so you are able to continue progress at home. We also offer follow up lessons as well.  

This program is estimated to be 3 weeks long if you choose to leave your dog over the weekends. Another option is a 4 week Monday thru Friday option.

This program was developed for dogs with anxiety, fear and other larger issues. We work on trust building, confidence and relationship development through strong leadership, compassion and respect. 


Your dog will spend time training at our facility during the day and then come home with the trainer for the night. No dogs are left in the facility at night alone.

We only work with one to two dog at a time in this program. 


This program is reserved for dogs with more serious issues.


  • Dogs must be completely potty trained

  • Dogs can not try to self harm or escape if kenneled

  • Dogs must be able to travel in a car (kenneled)

  • Minimum age is 5 months old

  • Dog must come with a muzzle if there is a history of human bites​


Lifetime Support via E-mail, phone or text


$5 group classes for the life of your dog. Let the community of clients we built help you practice behaviors and build confidence in a controlled environment with controlled dogs. 

  • Discounted rates to seminars, pack walks and more

  • ​All base program equipment is included

  • Nutrition consulting



Perhaps you need a bit of everything to help your dog be the best he or she can be!

Option 1

  • 3 day camps

  • 2 in home

  • 2 facility lessons    


Option 2

  • 5 day camps

  • 3 in home          

  • 3 facility lessons


Option 3

  • 7 day camps

  • 4 facility lessons        

  • 3 in homes


Al la cart add ons:

  • Extra day camps

  • Extra facility lessons

  • Extra in home lessons

All services must be completed in 90 days

In home rules:

  • Day camp- 2 per week max

  • Facility lessons- 1 per week 

  • Limit to two options per week



You got a what?

Puppies are a great addition to a family. The question we get the most is...."When can we start training?'

While training is important to a puppy, we feel that there are many things you can do at home with your puppy that are far more beneficial than attending a puppy class where it kinda looks like tons of 5 year olds hyped up on sugar.


Puppies are born social and really don't need to practice these skills. But they are not born desiring a human bond or relationship....and that is what we believe is important to create. Obedience can be taught at any point in a dog's life, but you get one chance to create a stable, confident and balanced dog during puppyhood. 


We are happy to talk with you about raising your puppy before they are ready for training at about 5 months old. 


"You can't choose a better, more dedicated trainer who will connect with your dog on a one on one basis. Kate did and continues to do wonders with my high energy pup."

- Emma R.


We know that in Wisconsin, the weather doesn't always cooperate. We are here to help!

Monday - Fridays we now offer 30 minute indoor treadmill sessions. You drop off you dog for 45 minutes and then come back and pick up after the session is over. 

We will help your dog learn the treadmill as well as provide a warm up and cool down before and after the workout. Pace and intensity is adjusted to each dog's beginner fitness level, age and health. 

Dog PACER LF 3.1- Call to Book

The dog PACER LF 3.1  Treadmill was designed with careful precision.  It can hold dogs from 1 to 179lbs. A lot of design time and testing went into creating the perfect treadmill for your dog. 

Screenshot 2023-08-31 at 8.53.09 PM.png


  • Weather – Every day is a perfect day for exercise when you are indoors. No issues with rain, sleet, snow or bad weather.

  • Obesity Prevention – A consistent regiment of exercise and diet will lead to a healthier, happier and longer life for your dog.

  • Allergy Sufferers – No matter how sensitive you or your dog are to pollution, pollen and weed allergen, your dog will still get his needed exercise.

  • Time – Because of  busy and hectic schedules, we often find it a challenge to walk our dogs after a long day spent in the office



Is your dog not as confident in the water as you would like?

Do you have a swimming pool at home and your dog isn't a  fan? 

Do you have a new dog/puppy who has never seen water?

We offer swim lessons in partnership with another small business!


  • All dogs must be current on age appropriate rabies with provided proof.

  • Dogs must not be human or dog reactive.

  • Minimum age is 4 months for swim.

  • Minimum age is 6 months for water treadmill. 



Treadmills are a great way to for your dog to stay fit during Wisconsin's cold months. Our specially designed treadmill is specifically for dogs. A longer shock absorbing deck allows your dog to have a full natural gait. Different inclines allow us to work different muscles and make the walk harder or easier for each dog.

Regular nail clipping and grinding prevents many issues down the road. From broken nails to improper foot placement. We offer both clipping and grinding. Some dogs may require clipping before grinding if their nails are too long. 

E- collar training can give your dog off leash safe freedom. But it has to be taught properly and ethically to be affective without fear. This tool is wonderful for bridging the communication gap at longer distances, off leash or in open environments. We use only the best brand equiptment, which we have to purchase here for you along with our add on program. 

**We offer this to clients who have completed a full program with us as we believe the e- collar doesn't teach, but rather reinforces known behavors. 


We know that memories are captured best in photos. And we would love to help you capture your time here with us. From serious to funny....we love it all.

Prices vary.

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